Sunday, 27 January 2013

How to Beat Anxiety Without Medication

Food plays a very important role in providing sufficient nutrition to the body it needs to ensure it keeps the mind healthy and most importantly improving your mood.

There are number of ways how food can help you to beat anxiety which that increases your calmness and peace within.

1. Eat simple real healthy food

It is recommended that you maintain the standard 3 day diary to observe your intake of the healthy food compares to processed foods, unhealthy food i.e. Junk food, sweet stuffs and other related non – nutritional foods intake.

2. Have your breakfast

Eat your breakfast daily. The most important meal of the day that when you consume protein in your breakfast, it assist to maintain your blood sugar level balanced throughout the whole day and by having this your stress and anxiety are reduced.

3. Maintain standard 3 meals a day with 3 healthy-snacks

To sustain your blood levels are even, eat 3 meals a day with 3 healthy snacks along. The 3 healthy snacks are fresh fruits, mixed vegetables like raw carrots, salads or ornamental mixed of red, yellow and green peppers. Others are also include sardines and salmon. These are good protein provider compare to fast foods. Another source of tryptophan and zinc is pumpkins seeds. Pumpkin helps to improve the mood and reduce the level of anxiety naturally.

4. Avoid that Coffee or caffeine beverages

Instead of that coffee that potentially can causes you to be more anxious and obviously effects your sleep, try caffeine free – herbal type of teas. For instance Licorice herbal tea is nice, teas that rich with antioxidants like rooibos herbal tea from South Africa is calming. Choose tea to coffee.

5. Monitor your Gluten Intake

Many athletes avoid gluten in their diets to perform better. It is also recommended for you to assess your gluten intake. It is suggested that you kick start with two – week gluten free period. Observe the sign that if you feel less anxious without gluten, then it is good. If the other way around when you add it back, then you may have this gluten intolerance.

6. Exercise, go out there and work out

This is one of the best method to keep fit, healthy and your body in shape. But only that it also helps to maintain your mood and feeling. By doing exercise it helps to raise the serotonin levels in your body that which keeps you less worried and moody. And by being expose to sunshine, it helps you to get some Vitamin D which also improves mood and reduce stress.

7. Practice Yoga Often

Doing Yoga, Tai Chi and other related slow and imagery actually does help you to feel less stressed and reduces the overwhelming feeling.

8. Consider Multivitamins Supplement

Not to overtake multivitamins intake, you can select the type of multivitamin intake such as B complex and amino acid supplements tryptophan or GABA for short term relief of anxiety, worry and tension.  

9. Go slow

Do not let everything to get to you. Learn to say no to things that is not your priority. Guard your emotions and as well your daily schedule. Take charge of your thinking and most importantly to take care of your well – being.

Learn natural way to stop your anxiety and panic attacks. Proven method with thousands using it across America.Click Here!

Take Social Anxiety Disorder Test and see for yourself if you are suffering from any social phobia or social anxiety. 

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