Monday, 10 December 2012

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Part 2

Lab Test
There's no lab test for GAD, so the diagnosis is made based on your description of your symptoms. It's important to be specific when telling your doctor about your anxiety. What do you worry about? How often? Does your anxiety interfere with any activities? You may have GAD if you have been feeling anxious or worrying too much for at least six months

In providing therapy to treat the anxiety, one kind of talk has been found to be very effective. It is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or in short CBT. In this talk, the counsellor or the professional will assist the individual to identify their negative thoughts and actions. In this therapy, CBT may include other related work such as homework, example listing down the thoughts that can an individual to excess worry. The individual will also learn how to calm themselves and those sort of strategies. Individual will see the progress in 4 to 5 months and they would feel better of themselves. Often enough, mixture of both the medicine and CBT session would work well.

Drugs and Medications 
Medical prescriptions such as Cymbalta, Effexor XR, Lexapro and Paxil are common name for antidepressants that work well to lower their anxiety. At times the doctor will also recommend benzodiazepine for a short term solution. There are also various drugs used to treat this, include Ativan, Klonopin, Valium and Xanax. But these drugs carry a risk of addiction. Always be aware of both pros and cons of the medications you are recommended to take. 

Self - Care 
Changing your lifestyle also can help treatment for GAD. Simple stuffs like avoiding caffeine, alcohol or common street drugs can tremendously assist to reduce the anxiety symptoms. Get enough rest and practice healthy food dietary. Relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation and of course exercise can help very much. There are proven evidence that consistent moderate exercise and physical activity can help to calm you down.

Alternate Remedies 
The are other alternate options as well which including non-traditional remedies for GAD. But these are not certified or known if it has worked well. Massage is good for most people, listening to your favourite music that can smooth and relax your mind is also good and benefitting. Another one is acupuncture, which seen as a treatment for anxiety but is has not shown any proven science data that whether it works or not.

Herbal Remedies 

Although there are many traditional method of curing anxiety but there are no exact or proven evidence yet to proof that herbal remedy can cure or least to reduce the anxiety attack. Always seek your doctor’s advice prior starting any sort of herbal remedy.

Other Disorders
Individual who suffers from GAD may likely also develop other related illness such as depression, alcoholism or even drug addiction. It is bad that if in the event one of these illnesses occurs, then a second treatment also may need. It is common that anybody suffers from GAD to have other anxiety disorder. This where the panic disorder, stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and social phobia. 

Take Social Anxiety Disorder Test and evaluate yourself if you are suffering from social phobia. Early detection is better than let it being deteriorated. 

How to prepare for your appointment and the questions to Ask.

In the event if you have any signs of panic attack that similar to all the symptoms and effect, make an appointment with a doctor and he or she may later on refer you to the psychiatrist or psychologist for treatment. But before seeing the doctor, you will need to prepare for the appointment and here’s the list of questions and tips how to prepare for your appointment to see doctor for panic attack.

List down all your symptoms in specific, this include the initial experience and how frequent you've had them
List down your personal background information, for example like traumatic events happened that cause stressful to yourself. 

This can be also any major case that occurred before your first panic attack.
If you have had any medication subscription also lists them down. It can be any medical treatment, be physical and health condition. It would be good if you can actually specify the medication you are taking. 

Request a close family member or a trusted friend to accompany you to the appointment if can. By doing this, you can ask the person to remember some of the important advice or note that the doctor may consult. 

Now list down the Questions you should ask the doctor 

  • What is that you believe the cause of my symptoms? 
  • Is it maybe the current medication issues are causing my symptoms? 
  • Is it necessary for me to conduct diagnostic test? 
  • Is it necessary for me to make an appointment with the mental specialist?

    What I can do to
    manage my symptoms?

These are the Questions that you need to ask in the event if you are referred to a mental health officer 

  • Which one do I have, is it the panic attacks panic attacks or panic disorder? 
  • What method of treatment would you recommend me to follow? 
  • If it is a therapy, what is the period of sessions and how long do I need to follow? 
  • Would having a group therapy be more useful in my case? 
  • What are the side effects if you recommending me to prescribe to medications? 
  • How long do I need to take that medication? 
  • Is there a time period that you will monitor if my treatment is working or not?
    Is there anything I can do to reduce my panics attacks from recurring? 
  • How can I self-help to manage my condition? 
  • Can I get some brochures or physical materials to be my guide and references for home use? 
  • What websites I can refer to? 
  • If there’s something that you still do not understand or have doubt over the information, just ask. 

What you can expect from your doctor.
The doctor or mental health officer whom treats you for the possible panic disorder or panic attack will ask you;

  • When the first time you had the attack and what was the symptoms? 
  • How frequent your attacks come and usually how long would they last? 
  • If there anything is specific that can trigger you the attack? 
  • Do you often experience fear of another panic attack? 
  • Do you by chance avoid any specific locations or experiences that seem to trigger the attack? 
  • How is the symptom affecting your personal life, professional work relationship and daily chores? 
  • In your life history, did you ever experience any tremendous stress or a traumatic event before? 
  • How was your childhood period like, how would you describe your relationship with your parents? 
  • Do you have any family history, having panic attacks or panic disorder? 
  • How often do you exercise and how often do you consume beverages with caffeine or alcohol?

Monday, 3 December 2012

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Part 1

It is common and natural to worry about something and especially during the stressful times, but some people will continue to worry about a particular matter day after day when in actual or reality there is nothing to be worried about. When this symptoms lasts for days and months, it will lead to anxiety disorder or GAD.

Primary symptom of the GAD is the sense of tension and stress that is consistently exaggerated. The individual may not be able to identify the reason why they felt so in such a way. And this worry can be so specific such as their pets, health, payment bills, house, water or even their life. This worrying can hugely effect their sleep and the ability to think clearly. The individual also may feel irritable because lack of sleep or perhaps the illness itself. 
Excessive worrying can lead to the following body problems such as – muscle pain or tension, one and off headaches, diarrhea, trembling and twitching and other related symptoms. 

The unique part of the worrying on their daily chores is that they cannot stop thinking or worrying about the matter on a day to day basis. Whether it could be their troubles, money and others they cannot find a peace of relaxing moment in their life. Although they might be doing something they enjoy, GAD will still interfere and cause them unnecessary worries. 

Individual can develop GAD at any age. The disorder can grow gradually and with very first symptoms that likely to come during the childhood and middle age for any individual. 

Saturday, 1 December 2012

How can you help someone with panic attack

Understanding Panic Attack

Understanding what is panic attack in the first place – Panic attack is a sudden attack to a person of an extreme fear, terror or phobia of something that is which actually not happening. Panic attack can come without any sign or warning but the symptoms are listed in this blog site. Panic attack is not life threatening and it last about 10 to 20 minutes, take note that sign of this attack are very similar to an heart attack which we earlier discussed about it that people can sometime mistaken panic attack for an heart attack. But if the panic attack are related or caused by serious medical health problems such as asthma, tachycardia or similar to it, it can lead to death. But not to worry in this as there is no report so far any death from the panic attack.

For the first time any individual experiences this, it is better to seek immediate medical attention.

For any first time experience, it will create a doubt of what actually the attack is. It could be heart attack or a panic attack, so when in doubt, seek immediate medical help. Do not hesitate to call for help if required, as you are not sure what the case of the sudden heart beats fast is and palm gets wet.

Know the root cause of the attack

Try to communicate with the person if the attack is a panic attack or he or she needs immediate medical attention for any other attack that might occurred. When you communicate and talk to the person, be very gentle and ask the specific question of the cause. Do not try to break any conversation of long talk.

Identify if there’s a cause for the fear and if it is, then bring the person away from the environment to more a calmer place.

Removing the person with the panic attack from the area that causes him or her to trigger the fear could ease the situation. The person with the disorder will may have any techniques that they practice when panic attacks and you could gently ask them if there’s anything you can do to assist them.

Do not snub their attack and condition by comforting phrase such as ‘there’s nothing to worry about’ or ‘it’s all in your mind’

Always remember, for anyone who have the panic attack the fear and terror are real to them. And telling them that everything is going to be ok or fine is not going to help or make things easier but it would only cause more stress to them. Just simple say ‘It’s Ok’ or ‘It’s fine’ would do and move on breathing. It is important to treat and take their fears very seriously. In case their fear is related to past and not base on the current reality, then assist to do some specific reality checks. Perhaps you can ask such question in a neutral manner like ‘Is this something to do in the past or what’s going on right now’. This can help the victim to recall and stay in reality. Just listen and accept whatever answer the person gives. There is no argument should be raised that only worsen the situation, in case if they use any abusive words or situation arises, then let them respond to the situation as how they would but be there to support.

Do not pressure the individual, do not push for a definite answer as this is not the time for any who is correct but stay calm and relax handling the individual.

Listening and just let them talk perhaps is the best answer to this. Minimize the tension by controlling the situation in a relaxed atmosphere. Never insist them to figure out what was the cause of their attack.

Motivate and encourage them to control their breathing

During this situation, breathing is the one of the most elements that can help them to calm down. Many will only short quick and rapid breath when they are panicking and worst some will hold their breath. Less oxygen intake to the lung will only cause the heart to race more. Encourage them to take a deep breath and make them understand that it will give them the relaxation.
You can try this method by counting their breaths. By asking them to breathe in and out, ensure that the inhale is deep enough and gradually repeating the same. Repeat this until their breathing has slowed down and is regulated.

Take a cold object and place near them.

To keep them cool, take any cold items and place t near their neck and face. Usually in these circumstances, the individual will feel sensational warmth, in order to cool that down use this technique. You can use washcloth or a water bag that has been freeze.

Stay with them until they are back to normal and never leave them alone

The individual with the attack can be very rude and unfriendly with you at the time of the attack. But understanding what panic attack can make you to see what they are going through. Do not leave them alone especially when they are struggling to breathe. Kindly ask them what has worked out for them in the past and if they have been taking their medications.

Always remember that their feelings are close to real and their experiences are terrorizing

Ensure to them that you will seek and get help and never leave them alone. They could injure or harm themselves. Seek medical treatment if that is necessary including an ambulance.  

Call professional medical assistance

In case the symptoms do not recover within 15 – 20 minutes, do not hesitate to call an ambulance or seek professional medical assistance. Simply call for an advice or consult. Remember, this is not a near death experience and bringing them to Emergency Room could only make things worse. A simple further guide and steps to control the situation would be deemed necessary enough. If this is a first time attack, the individual may want to seek medical help as they are terrified with what’s happening to them. For those who have had the experience before, they know and aware that getting medical assistance will only cause more stress and anxiety to themselves.

Consider trying Panic Away for panic attacks and anxiety cases. A proven method to cure the panic attack and anxieties, try this and see the results first. Panic Away is a cognitive behavioural modification theory that was pioneered by Barry Joe Mcdonagh. The program teaches you how to accept the situation and start living your life.